Monday, June 22, 2009

Parents' Forum Executives Elected

On June 2,2009 the inaugural meeting of the Parents'Forum of
the was held at the school's premises in Ikoyi.The meeting
was presided by the Principal,Mrs. C.A.Adeboye.

The Principal noticed that only a handful of the parents were
present at the day's meeting and she expressed her disappointment
that most of the parents decided to stay away from the meeting for
reasons best known to them.

This unconcerned attitude of the parents made the Principal to first
propose that the meeting should be called off till such a time when
there would be an encouraging number of parents around.

The parents,however,prevailed on her to commence the meeting because
those who were at the meeting left so many things to come to the day's
meeting and the only way they could be encouraged to be present another
time was for the meeting to hold.

After a lengthy deliberation,during which the Principal told the gathering
about the decision of the Lagos State Government to get the parents involved
in the educational system through the Parent'Forum as against the old PTA,a
new set of Executives were elected to run the affairs of the FORUM for the
next two years.

The following are the members of the Executive Committee of the Parents'Forum:

1.Chairman - Mr. Peter Abel

2.Vice Chairman - Mrs. R. Obafemi

3.Secretary - Mrs. Judith Buhari

4.Financial Sec. - Mr. Adetunji Gafaar

5.Publicity Sec.- Mr.Godsgift Abakpa

6.Treasurer - Mrs. Faniran

7.Ex-Officio _ Mrs. Comfort Zottor

8.Ex-Officio - Mr. Braimoh Mohammed


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