Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Large ,Impressive and Encouraging Turn Out Of Parents

The school experienced a very large turn out of parents at the Parents' Forum's meeting held on 24th June,2009 at the school premises.

The parents started trouping in as early as a few minutes past nine in the morning for the meeting scheduled to commence at 10:00 am.

The Principal,Mrs. C.A.Adeboye, could not hide her impression of the parents'
attitude to the second meeting of the new Forum and she thanked the parents
for their action.

At the meeting a lot of things were discussed which centered on the need to
assist the school in its efforts at being one of the best public schools in Lagos

The students, when asked, expressed their joy of seeing so many parents
coming to the school for a meeting where their future would be discussed.
They did not hesitate to thank some of the parents that showed up in their
classrooms after the day's meeting.


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