Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sterling Bank ,Nigeria visited the school courtesy of the FINANCIAL LITERACY LECTURE SERIES that was specially planned to enlighten the students on how to build a strong financial base instead of constantly depending on their parents for all their financial needs.

The day's Facilitator was Mr. Ayotunde, who felt at home with the students as they paid wrapped attention to him during the course of his lecture.

Mr. Ayotunde expressed his delight with the students as they performed very well during the Question and Answer section.

The Facilitator, Mr. Ayotunde, delivers his lecture

Students listen very attentively.


Students as they listen to the lecture

A Female Student Answer Questions On The Lecture.

Vice Principal (Academic), Mr. S.O.Kazeem, receives copies of the Lecture Books From Mr. Ayotunde

Another Student Answering Another Question. 

A  Male Student Is Asking Questions From The Facilitator.

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