Monday, June 24, 2013

Behold! The Winning Writer/Director

The Vice Principal (Academic) of the school, Mr. S.O. Kazeem, wrote
the play that won the 2nd prize for Education District 3, Eti-Osa.

Mr. Kazeem founded the school's Drama Club on his arrival in the school
 in May 2008.Ever since that time he has always been in charge of all the
activities of the club.

He encourages many of the students to take to play-writing,acting and play

Under him creativity blossom and many of the students have had the
opportunities to polish their natural acting talent with a little brushing of their
raw skills by the able write and director who has produced and directed home
video films for the Nollywood market between 1996 and 2003.

Mr. S.O.Kazeem, Writer/ Director - Me and My Tree 

While directing the play that has just won a prize, Mr. Kazeem encouraged
the students to be at their acting best during rehearsal and the final production in  order to be able to win the converted prize and bring glory to themselves, their school and Education District 3.

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