Wednesday, March 31, 2010

History Is Made :Students Elect Acting Prefects

On Thursday 11th March,2010 the students of Falomo senior High School came together to choose their Acting Prefects who would probably be finally confirmed next session provided they gained promotion to the next class-SSS3.

The election which was closely watched by the V.P.Academic,Mr. S.O.Kazeem,was conducted by Messrs Ajala and Abe both of whom formed the Prefect Selection and Monitoring Committee of the school.

A week earlier Messrs Ajala and Abe had shortlisted the names of students who were capable of being Prefects and submitted the list to Mr. Kazeem who, after a short meeting propsed that the students populace should henceforth be made to have a sense of belonging in the selection of their Prefects unlike it used to be in the past.

Mr. Kazeem's reason was that most of the students never felt obliged to respect their Prefects simply because they never agreed with most,if not all of the students,didn't see any reason why they should respect or obey those people they did not elected to lead them.

After the election, both Muhammed Muritala and Yejide Da Silva were elected as the Head Boy and Head Girl respectively.

This is to wish the elected Acting Prefect an effective and good leadership during their reign.


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