Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2013 NYSC Members Post To The School

Two new NYSC members have been sent to the school for their one year compulsory service.

Mr. Akan Bisong  and Mr. Chinonso Ojobo are to serve the country by serving the school for the period of their compulsory NYSC service year.

Mr. Chinonso Ojobo - NYSC Memeber 2013
Mr. Akan Bisong - NYSC Member 2013

Be Road Friendly Competition: Falomo Came First, To Represent District 3 At State Final

Falomo Senior High School, Ikoyi came first at the District 3 final of the 2013 Be Road Friendly  Competition.

The school sent our representatives to the competition very late,in fact, we nearly did not want to take part in the competition because the invitation letter that was supposed to have been sent to the school did not get to us because they did not dispatch it at the District headquarters,Falomo.

Nevertheless, we were able to send our representatives to the competition in order to make appearance since we were invited at the zero hour.

The champions always display their prowess when it matters most. That was why our representatives at the competition  performed so well they were declared the winners of the competition.

For their performance, the school would now represent the whole of District 3 at the state final scheduled for a later date to be announced soon.
Students That Represented the School at the 2013 BE ROAD FRIENDLY Competition

2013 Walk For Nature Ceremony

The school was invited to the 2013 Walk For Nature ceremony organised by Nigeria Conservation Foundation (NCF) with the Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola as the Chief Host.
The ceremony took place on Saturday 12th October, 2013 at the State House,Marina,Lagos.

Here are the pictures of the day's events: