Friday, April 12, 2013

Ten Tips for Student Success

  1. Attend your classes. Remember in the words of Woody Allen 'Seventy percent of success in life is showing up'.
  2. Know your faculty. Make sure you know who your teachers are, when their office hours are and how to contact them.
  3. Make sure the faculty knows you. Sit in the front of the classroom. Participate in class discussions. Consult with your teachers during office hours.
  4. Use a daily planner. Note the dates of exams, assignments, term papers, etc.
  5. Be organized. Prioritize your responsibilities. Manage your time. Remember everyone has the same 168 hours a week, only some of us use them better than others.
  6. Know your campus resources. Visit your Academic's Dean Office regularly. Become familiar with the services and programs offered by the Counseling Center, The Freshmen Center, the Career Center, the Campus Ministry Office and the Student Life Office.
  7. Take care of you health. Get enough sleep. Eat well-balanced meals. Exercise regularly. Make informed and mature decisions about alcohol, sex and drugs. Visit the Health Office as needed.
  8. Work only as necessary. Try not the exceed 20 hours during a school week. If possible, work on campus. Apply for financial aid and loans if you need them. Manage your expenses very carefully.
  9. Get involved in campus activities. It will help you learn valuable skills, expand your social network and enhance your self-confidence. Seek out opportunities to apply what you learn in the classroom.
  10. Keep your eyes on the prize. Clarify your goals. Know why you are in college in the first place. Visualize your success on a daily basis.                    source:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Muslim Students Society Members Won Prizes

Members of the school's Muslim Students' Society of Nigeria (M.S.S.N.) attended the M.S.S. Day 2013 of Victoria Island Senior Secondary School and won prizes.

Here are the pictures of the gallant representatives:

Ibrahim Haruna

From Left Ibrahim Haruna, A Junior Student and Abba Adamu, the Outgoing Assembly Prefect(Muslim)

Representative of Falomo Junior High School was there too.

Sahara Group Representatives Come To Give Career Talks

Sahara Group, an oil exploration company, sponsored a Career Talk Lecture in the school.
The Career Talk, which was part of the company's Corporate Social Responsibility Programme (SRP) for the year, was held at the school multipurpose hall on March 19, 2013.

The Talk was meant for only the SSS 3 Students who are preparing for their future as they are on their
way out of the school after three years of academic training.

Mrs. Olajumoke Ajayi, the company's Exploration Manager, led the group of experts to the school.
The experts included Mr. Abiodun Awoyemi who had once carried out a weekly lecture series with the students during his period as an NYSC member.

At the lecture, Mrs. Ajayi promised to give any child who is able to make 8 'A'/ 'B' a personal gift.

Here are the pictures taken at the event:

Mrs. Olajumoke Ajayi, Exploration Manager, Sahara Group, Talking to the students.

Group Picture of the students and Mr. Victor Igbinosa and Mrs. Ajayi

Students paying serious attention to the lecture.

Mr. Abiodun Awoyemi giving his own talk.

Sahara Group's Company logo.

Mr. Awoyemi

Cross section of the students as they listened to the lecturer, Mr. Abiodun Awoyemi

Mrs. Olajumoke Ajayi

Attentive audience listening to the lecture.