Tuesday, October 30, 2012

For Easy Contact : This Is The School's E-Mail Address

We intend to make it easy for everybody to contact the school at anytime
for whatever information you are interested in.

This is to show you all that we are 21st Century compliant in everything we
do here at Falomo Senior High School, Ikoyi.

Henceforth, if you desire to contact the school, you may do so through this
e-mail address:


You are guaranteed a quick response to your request.

We would have loved to use a facebook wall, but we are convinced that using a
blog like this is far more dignifying than a facebook.

Besides, most of the school's old students have different facebook walls.

Once again, feel free to use the above e-mail address at any time you want to
contact us.

Thank you all.

We Are Back Online For Good!

For a long time the school's blog has been off the web due to some logistic 

Thank God we are fully back online and we promise to give you a lot of 
useful information that you will enjoy and benefit from.

The school is waxing stronger everyday and we need the assistance of everybody that has any iota of LOVE for the school to keep the blog going.

You are all FREE to contribute to the contents of the blog at any time.

It takes the combined effort of everybody to make this blog exciting,informative,entertaining and educative. 


The Current Principal Of The School: Mrs. C.A.Adeboye

The School's Vision And Mission Statement

Gift of Computer Sets For The School By The Old Students

Earlier in the year some old students presented a set of computer desktop
to the school to assist in the Information Technology development of the

Here are some of the pictures taken at the occasion: