Sunday, June 27, 2010

3rd Term Examination Begins On July 5,2010

The 3rd Term Examination for the 2009/2010 session will begin
on onday 5th July,2010 throughtout the state .

This is anall important examnation especially for all the SSS2 students
as they try to gain promotion to SSS3 next session - 2010/2011 session.

The state governement,tired of the fall in the performances of those who were
promoted in the past but who failed to make impressive results in the state-sponsored WASSCE, has ordered that every child who intends to get promoted to the next class,that is, SSS3 must
have 50% pass in FIVE SUBJECTS including Mathematics and English.

As you can see this is a tall order for the unserious ones who think that promotion
would,as usual, be automatic.

We in this school have made it clear to our students that we shall endeavour to go by
the rules set by the state government.

Our students have been consequently warned not to expect anybody to help them
with any undeserved marks.They all need to work hard for every point they get as
we try to get them to do their best all the time because that is the only means to
success in life.


The Base-line Examination For SSS1 Students Takes Place On July 1st & 2nd

The baseline examination to know the standard of the present SSS1 students in
all the state secondary schools for the World Bank sponsred Eko Project Programme
would hold on Thursday July 1 and Friday July 2, 2010 in all the schools throughout
the state.

The students in our school had been informed about the examination and the things
they need to make adequate preparations for it.

The teachers would not be neeeded for invigilation for this exams as oter teachers
would be moved from other schools to do the work in order to get a perfect result
of the students real ability or standard.

This is wishing all our students